Worcester HOG Ride-N-Seek 2024

Worcester HOG Ride-N-Seek 2024

Worcester HOG 3811 – Summer Scavenger Hunt – Self-Guided

July & August:  July 1st Through August 31st

Deadline to Submit Photos:  Sunday, September 1st

See Rules Section Below



  1. Take a picture of YOU with the item or YOUR BIKE with the item. 
    1. YOU = your face must be visible in the photo.   
    2. YOUR BIKE = most of your motorcycle. 
  2. Only one submission per item on the list.   Please do not send multiple photos of any item on the list.
  3. All photos of the items on the list must be the “real thing”.  For example:   Hot Air Balloon must be a photo of a REAL hot air balloon.  Not a picture of a picture … not a picture of a statue … not a picture of a hot air balloon bird feeder.
  4. All photos of signs, license plates, brands of motorcycle, brands of delivery trucks must be clearly visible as such.  
    1. For example:  Amazon truck – must be an Amazon branded truck.  Photos of any other rentals, plain white, painted over U-Hauls will not be accepted.  
    2. Photos of other motorcycle brands must have clearly visible brand/logo/emblem.
  5. Submit all photos and your final Scavenger Hunt Lists to:  challenge@worcesterhog.com